CRITTER TRAIL on Chapman - Play with us!
Mischievous, art-loving critters have escaped their lairs and are running loose along Chapman Road! Help the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery to find them and return the missing art the critters have borrowed. Collect secret code letters from each creature to unjumble a mystery password. Take a selfie along the way and hashtag #CritterTrailOnChapman! Drop the password into the Critter Chest at the Gallery and collect your reward stickers and bookmark. When enough secret passwords have been collected, the creatures have promised to return the art.

Or pop in to the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery (GRAG) and collect a hardcopy.
24 Chapman Road, Geraldton
Opening hours: Tues - Fri: 9am - 4pm // Sat - Mon: 9.30am - 1.30pm
Click here to view the location map of Critters along Chapman Road.