Mid West Arts - Art Directory
As part of the Mid West Arts Membership Program, Members are invited to list themselves on the Art Directory. This is a platform to support and promote local artists practicing and living in the Mid West Region. Through this Art Directory, you can find local artists and contact them directly or find out where their studio/shop/stockist locations are to purchase work, or commission works directly through the artist. This list is not extensive, and we encourage you to reach out to the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery directly if you are looking for more information.
Artists and associated businesses listed in the Art Directory are not endorsed by the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery or the City of Greater Geraldton. You should make your own assessment when selecting an artist or associated business to carry out work.
Artists are listed A-Z.

Cam Fitzgerald
Cam is a multidisciplinary artist inspired by the natural world. Working primarily with drawing and painting, Cam blends meticulous detail with unexpected elements to convey themes of connection, transformation, and storytelling.
Contact Details: camfitzgerald.art@gmail.com
Studio Location: Studio - 2975 North West Coastal Hwy, Howatharra WA
Instagram: @muddlelark

Cristina Gaylor
Mixed media artist and Silversmith.
Instagram & Facebook: @crissymakes

Deborah Storey
I'm a painter, I prefer to use oil paint for its versatility; however, I also paint in acrylic, gouache and watercolour. I explore the psyche of the landscape through colour, movement, symbolism and texture rather than painting a realistic impression.
Contact Details: deborah.storey.studio@gmail.com
Instagram: @debstoreyart

Emily Ahearn
I work primarily in Acrylic and Mixed Media on canvas, creating semi abstract representational and abstract non-representational art. My practice is intuitive, with a focus on painting, collage and various printing techniques.
Contact Details: emily.ahearn.art@gmail.com
Instagram: @emily.l.ahearn

Ersilia Tarantino -
Inspiring Breaks Creative Studios @ the laneway
Ersilia is an Intuitive Artist that works with paper and mixed media. As a guide and professional lifecoach she also creates events, mindful breaks and intuitive art experiences or training. Founder of the Laneway Studios Artist Collective.
Contact Details: studios@inspiringbreaks.com, 0497 062902
Studio Location:14 Chapman Road, 6530, Geraldton, WA
Instagram & Facebook: @inspiringbreaks
Website: www.inspiringbreaks.com

Jaye Allan
I paint local birds in local scenery in Acrylics. My paintings are always ready to hang on a wall. I do pottery plates with local wildflowers and local nature, also I do cartoon drawings of birds for kids.
Contact Details: jayeallan@gmail.com
Facebook: @jayeallanart

Jen Passalacqua - Kurrajong Farm Art
Situated in Northampton, Jen is primarily a watercolour Artist specializing in commissioned Pet Portraits which are shipped worldwide.
Contact Details: kurrajong@live.com.au
Instagram & Facebook: @Kurrajong_Farm_Art
Website: kurrajongfarmart.wordpress.com/

Kaye Boulden
Kaye has worked in watercolour, mixed media and currently focuses on fabric collage and stitch.
Contact Details: kayeboulden@gmail.com
Instagram: @paintpastestitch

Lauren Elise Kennedy
Lauren primarily paints expressive landscapes plein air/outdoors with water based paints.
Contact Details: hello@laurenelisekennedy.com
Instagram: @lauren_elise_kennedy

Mia Jeffrey
My art practice includes: visible mending and embroidery stitching, miniature loom weaving with thrifted wool and threads, sewing zero waste patterns using thrifted material or upcycling clothes, paper collage using 1970s craft and nature books, and photography.
I am able to deliver visible mending and collage workshops.
Marketing: I have always had an interest in supporting and promoting rural and regional artists. Whether that be by photographing local artists and their work and promoting them on my socials, or sharing artist events on my socials.
Contact Details: mziembinski@yahoo.com
Instagram: @miajeffery

Narelle Beaver Artist
Although I prefer seascapes and water themes, I do enjoy other subjects where light, colour and temperature shifts challenge my senses. I love to paint directly from life, often out and about painting plein air on small panels then transferring these ideas onto larger canvases enjoying layers and bigger brushwork. I predominately use Oils, but use other mediums for sketching and for fun.
Contact Details: narellebeaver@gmail.com
Instagram & Facebook: Narelle Beaver Artist
Website: www.narellebeaverartist.com.au

North Midlands Project
We're North Midlands Project, a not-for-profit arts, culture, heritage and health organization working towards regional Western Australia to be known for its happy, healthy communities and vibrant, creative and connected towns.
Contact Details: hello@northmidlands.org.au
Studio Location: 4 Macpherson Street, Carnamah WA 6517
Instagram & Facebook: @northmidlandsproject
Website: www.northmidlands.org.au

Peta Riley -
Pink Lake Road Australia
Peta is a Visual Artist specializing in
ceramics, textiles, mixed media and workshops. founder of Pink Lake Road Australia.
Contact Details: petariley.studio@gmail.com, 0427261359
Studio Location:162 Marine Tce, Ocean Centre Laneway, Marine Tce 6530
Instagram & Facebook: @petariley.studio
Website: www.petariley.com

Steve Davidson
Steve is inspired by the raw landscape of the WA outback. The influence of the Australian landscape is present in the colours and textures of his stylized ceramics, and again in many of his prints and paintings. His work is regularly biographical reflecting his journey for a sense of belonging.
Contact Details: stevedavidson.au@gmail.com
Facebook: @stevedavidsonart

Wirnda Barna Art Centre
We are an Aboriginal art centre, supporting Artists from Badimia and Wajarri Country based in Mount Magnet and surrounding areas. We work in Acrylic on canvas ,ceramics, jewellery, fabrics and lots more.
Contact Details: art@badimia.org.au
Studio Location: 79 Hepburn Street Mount Magnet WA 6638
Instagram & Facebook: @WirndaBarnaArtCentre
Website: www.wirndabarna.com.au

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